May 22

5th Grade

The things I learned is that how to do algebra, make a very good book, and how to make my own video. The things I struggle with is computer lab in genral, also with prime and compsite numbers, and reading. The things that suprised me was that I got algebra before the year was over, I was good at soccer, and I knew how to use a Earth walk. The things that dissapointed me was I got my first  C, that I got marks, and was mean to some of my friends.

May 6

Civil War

I have learned a lot about the Civil War and I want to share it with you. I heard that Robert E. Lee and Ulysses S. Grant were on different sides but they were best friends, other than that I learned some of the battles like Wilderness, Shiloh, Stone’s River, and the Gettysburg. I had lots of fun learning about the Civil War.

February 14

Valentine’s Day

According to

One legend contends that Valentine was a priest who served during the third century in Rome. When Emperor Claudius the second decided that single men made better soldiers than those with wives and family, he outlawed marriages for young men.

January 10

New Year’s Resolution

This is a New Year, and I want to eat healthier, so that I can become better at basketball. I hope to make better grades in social. At home I wish to be more kind to my brothers,and help more at my house. I hope that I get to start doing more with my mom and dad. Last but certainly not least, from last year I loved going to CA to see my grandparents. video from Google images