February 18


We observed and described how different environments like micro-habitats in school yards support different varieties of organisms. Then we got components, (different organisms), and put them in a bag and observed it. After that we took a picture of our micro-habitats and then observed. When we were done we had to have a little fun and found wild onions and ate them, it was the best science class this year.


January 9



  This was a time of love and faith until the German persecution. The Christians wanted to put the Bible of the Holy Lord in Germany,  and he did not want them to.

    One reason the Germans persecuted the Christians because they had no point of contact to the animal element, so they did not have the need for them .It was a dumb thing to persecute for if you ask me. They were persecuting them because they figured out that the Christians had some kind of poison to where they would either go deaf, blind, or no smell. It was pretty clever of the Christians to do that. Another reason the Germans persecuted because the Christians were trying to fight back. They did not just fight back because they were tired of the German soldiers taking they away, but because the were fighting for their lives. His boss was also a christian and told him to do things he did not want to do. After that he hated his boss so he killed him.  He was so mad that the church’s in Germany had to put the Christian cross down.

    I am very glad that the people that stopped the Nazi, stopped them when they stopped them. 


January 8

Best Gift Given

    Best Gift Given


       The best gift I gave this year was a necklace for my sister, Joely. It made me feel really warm inside. It gave me the strength that I needed to power through the day. I’m sure it made her very welcoming inside. Also I think that she was very happy that she got it, because she has been asking for it. The way I would explain that it’s better to give than receive, is that because Jesus died on the cross for us. That means we received his death for our sins.